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Meenah you are missing out

also if this song is legit supposed to be composed by Cronus then I really want to hear the rest of his music

what no

he’s a horribly talented little shit

life was so much easier when i could ignore him as a cartoon creeper with no redeeming qualities goddammit

My absolute 100% favourite headcanon is Cronus being actually a genuinely good musician.

IT JUST MAKES EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM THAT MUCH BETTER—and also it ties into the whole squandering-hope thing Eridan had going on, right, like, this turns the sum totality of Cronus into a tragic waste.

The sad thing is I always assumed Cronus was a good musician, and that was just part of the overall disaster that comprises being an Ampora. If Cronus was going to be into music, he was going to be good at it: all the Amporas seem to pick things out to focus on and then level this near-obsessive focus on it, and with art, if you work your ass off at it, you’ll get good.

See, Eridan’s hive was full of maps and charts and books, and he was said to have reached the highest tier of FLARPing alongside Vriska. He only really played at wiping out the landwellers, but when he decided to kill all his Angels, which weren’t even supposed to be killed, which took minutes of concentrated fire from a legendary weapon to go down, he wiped them all out in a few months. Dualscar was similarly obsessed with eradicating the gamblignants (though we don’t know if he was going through the motions for attention like Eridan with his genocide thing or seriously exerting himself like Eridan with the angels) and even if he was a laughingstock for trying, Mindfang really enjoyed their enmity, considered him a great opponent, and was deeply disappointed that he’d flipped red for her. He was great to hate, but gross to like, apparently. And here’s Cronus growing up in a culture that would never have given him a gun or sanctioned his more overtly destructive impulses. He had to channel all that drive and ambition and talent and frustration somewhere, and it was apparently music.

The awful thing about Amporas is that they’re so relentlessly self-centered. Both the creative and martial arts reward that kind of focus. But when it comes to working out how to be a good person that people will like? Yeah, good luck, chief.


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@темы: tumblr, HOMESTUCK, music and lyrics